Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Mission Challenges

Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY | Missions: Challenges CoD: BO II Guide

1 - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Eliminate enemy personnel (x15) with machete

The easiest way to pass the challenge is at the beginning of the mission, as soon as you jump off the ladder attached to the transporter - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

The easiest way to pass the challenge is at the beginning of the mission, as soon as you jump off the ladder attached to the transporter. Instead of shooting the enemies, begin to run up to them and use the machete to eliminate them (picture above) - the first three will run up straight to you. The chaos during the battle is so great and there are so many allies that you can safely risk and run around the allied vehicles to find the enemies and terminate their life with machete. Kill enemies in this way, moving around the transporter and hiding behind it if you get hit too much (there's a yellow word "Follow" on it). Try to pass this challenge BEFORE calling for the helicopter support for the second time.

Destroy all MPLA tanks

To pass the challenge, you have to be quick and not miss any tank - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

To pass the challenge, you have to be quick and not miss any tank. Therefore, first of all, don't wait until the interference on the screen disappears, because it's pointless to waste time - fire a rocket immediately. Secondly, do not wait till the first rocket hits the target - you can shoot out another before that. Although destroying all tanks in the first wave should not cause any problems (picture above), in a moment there will be another one, so remember these tips.

When you call the helicopter support for the second time, immediately start shooting at the gray dots - you will be able to destroy two or three tanks with shots in the dark, even before the interference disappears from the screen - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

When you call the helicopter support for the second time, immediately start shooting at the gray dots - you will be able to destroy two or three tanks with shots in the dark, even before the interference disappears from the screen. You will have no trouble with the four tanks, but it won't be over yet. When the helicopter turns back, you will see the next five tanks (picture above). Make sure to destroy them from left to right, because this is how the helicopter you're on will fly over them. Because of the fast pace and shocks (after all, you're on the helicopter) you may not be able to destroy all tanks. In this case, immediately, after regaining control over the character, go to the menu and select the Save & Quit option. You must do this before the words "Checkpoint Reached" appear! When you exit to the menu, select to continue the campaign, and after the briefing you will start just before calling the helicopter support.

Eliminate enemy personnel (x5) with one mortar explosion

The first thing you need to do is to get mortar shells - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

The first thing you need to do is to get mortar shells. After the mission has begun, follow the transporter until it stops. Look at the vehicle lying on the side on the right side of the battlefield. There is a message on it with a word "Access" (picture above). Head over to it and open the rear of the vehicle to take the mortar shells.

Afterwards, you have to wait for a convenient moment to kill five enemies with one throw - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Afterwards, you have to wait for a convenient moment to kill five enemies with one throw. You will have the first opportunity after you've received the objective to grab the ladder attached to the transporter (after requesting the helicopter support for the second time). Immediately throw a mortar shell at the opposite enemies (picture above). Enemies will be here in large groups, so it will be easy to pass the next challenge.

The second good opportunity will come your way when you come back from the village, retreat for the first time and climb the tree the second time (e - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

The second good opportunity will come your way when you come back from the village, retreat for the first time and climb the tree the second time (e.g. the one where the second intel is located), to protect Hudson and Woods. There will become a lot of enemies by the overturned tree, although you will have to wait for a while till they gather there (picture above). Throw a mortar shell to pass this challenge. Near the end of the mission when you have to kill two mounted gunners on the vehicles, you will have the last opportunity to pass the challenge.

Sink enemy vessels (x5)

After landing on the barge and killing all the enemies (Hudson will tell you about it) quickly go to the heavy machine gun on the right starboard side, mount it and start shooting at the boat that is sailing nearby (picture above) - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

After landing on the barge and killing all the enemies (Hudson will tell you about it) quickly go to the heavy machine gun on the right starboard side, mount it and start shooting at the boat that is sailing nearby (picture above). Keep shooting until it explodes. It is pointless to wait for the next boats till they sail near enough for the crosshair to turn red, because if you won't make it on time with any boat, it will come up closer and the enemies will start coming on board of the barge you're on. Therefore, try to destroy them, as soon as you can, from a distance (look behind the barge) - for now there will be three boats.

After sinking all four boats quickly get away from the heavy machinegun and use the left ladder to go to the upper part of the barge - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

After sinking all four boats quickly get away from the heavy machinegun and use the left ladder to go to the upper part of the barge. Start using the machinegun, which is mounted to the left and look out for the fifth boat - destroy it as soon as it comes up (picture above), and then immediately jump down to the lower deck, return to the first machinegun and use it to deal with the sixth boat. Go back to the second one and destroy the last, seventh boat. Of course, from time to time you will be able to destroy a boat using both machineguns, especially if it is sailing in the distance. Simply be prepared to instantly change positions, should the need arise, and you will pass this challenge just fine.

Dive to prone on an enemy grenade and survive

It is one of the most onerous challenges. Since its success depends on the opponents activity, and being more specific, on how often they throw grenades, the lower the difficulty level, the less often they will throw them. Therefore, pass this challenge at least on Regular level. Secondly, practice diving to prone. To do this, you have to hold the run button and press the position change button (on consoles). In the case of PC you will only have an option called "Toggle Prone". You'll see if you made it, because your character will not simply lie down, but literally throw himself to the ground.

To even be able to pass this challenge, you will need a special outfit - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

To even be able to pass this challenge, you will need a special outfit. When you sink all the boats (Hudson will tell you about it), look for the box with a word Access between the ladders (picture above). Pull out the clothes that will protect you from the injuries from explosions.

The best place to pass this challenge is the moment when you, running away with Woods and Hudson, run down next to the waterfall and hide behind a big rock next to the trunk that is lying on the stream - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

The best place to pass this challenge is the moment when you, running away with Woods and Hudson, run down next to the waterfall and hide behind a big rock next to the trunk that is lying on the stream. There will be ammo crates nearby - hide behind them (picture above). In any case, take out the heavy machine guns operators on the cars above.

2 - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Afterwards simply look at the enemies and wait to see if any of them throws a grenade or look out for the icon informing you that a grenade has landed somewhere near you (first picture above) - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Afterwards simply look at the enemies and wait to see if any of them throws a grenade or look out for the icon informing you that a grenade has landed somewhere near you (first picture above). As soon as this happens, and when you know where the grenade is, start running toward it, and then press the position change button to prone. You should throw yourself at the grenade or in its vicinity. If you were able to throw yourself at it (and you didn't lie down normally) and you did not make it too far, the challenge should be yours (second picture above). Keep in mind that at some point Hudson will flee to the river with Woods. Then the place will swarm with the enemies and you'll die quickly - even on Recruit level. Therefore, if for a long time no one is attacking you with grenades, use one to kill yourself and try again.

Eliminate enemy personnel (x10) with animal traps

It's best to combine this challenge with the one below - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

It's best to combine this challenge with the one below. When you put Woods on the ground and get the objective to enter the village, do not do it yet, just pay attention to the small wooden storage box to the right of the entrance leading up (picture above). Pick the lock to open the door. You will take animal traps.

Now set them in the passage on the left (picture above) and place a mortar shell inside each of them - the soldiers killed by an explosion will also count in this challenge - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Now set them in the passage on the left (picture above) and place a mortar shell inside each of them - the soldiers killed by an explosion will also count in this challenge. When you run out of traps, simply refill your ammo and set some more. It is possible that you will not be able to set more than 10 traps (the old will disappear as the new are set), so keep that in mind. When you come back here (after a while) and take the sniper position on one of the trees, see how the situation develops and watch for a message about passing the challenge.

Kill (x4) enemies with one mortar primed animal trap

It's best to combine this challenge with the one above - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

It's best to combine this challenge with the one above. The first thing you need to do is to get the mortar shells. After the mission has started, follow the transporter until it stops. Look at the vehicle lying on the side on the right side of the battlefield. There is a message on it with a word "Access" (picture above). Head over to it and open the rear of the vehicle to take the mortar shells.

Later, when you put Woods on the ground and get the objective to enter the village, do not do it yet, just pay attention to the small wooden storage box to the right of the entrance leading up (picture above) - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Later, when you put Woods on the ground and get the objective to enter the village, do not do it yet, just pay attention to the small wooden storage box to the right of the entrance leading up (picture above). Pick the lock to open the door. You will take animal traps.

Now set them in the passage on the left (picture above) and place a mortar shell inside each of them - the soldiers killed by an explosion will also count in this challenge - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Now set them in the passage on the left (picture above) and place a mortar shell inside each of them - the soldiers killed by an explosion will also count in this challenge. When you run out of traps, simply refill your ammo and set some more. You can also set three traps without mortar shells and do it at the beginning of the line to catch three enemies in them. When they are trapped, the fourth one will come running here after a while. He will fall into the trap with the mortar shell and the explosion will kill all four of them. When you come back here (after a while) and take the sniper position on one of the trees, see how the situation develops and watch for a message about passing the challenge.

Use elevated improvised positions for confirmed sniper kills (x20)

When you put Woods on the ground, look for a sniper rifle - it's by the storage with a word Access, where youll find animal traps - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

When you put Woods on the ground, look for a sniper rifle - it's by the storage with a word Access, where you'll find animal traps. Make sure to take the weapon with you and refill its ammo. Then go to the village, and when you will be coming back, Hudson will tell you to take a sniper position on one of the trees. Run up to any position (picture above) and climb the ladder. Here and in the rest of the level there will be several such positions, and the challenge can be passed only by shooting from one of them.

Now you just have to kill 20 enemies using the scope (picture above) - Mission 01: PYRRHIC VICTORY - Missions: Challenges - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Now you just have to kill 20 enemies using the scope (picture above). Before each shot hold the hold breath button. Do not hold it too long, because it will create a several-second inability to aim. On the other hand, 3 to 4 seconds should be enough to find and kill one of the enemies. Do not pay attention to whether Hudson and Woods left their position - shoot until you pass the challenge.

Collect intel (x3)

See the "Intel" section or the description of a mission walkthrough to discover where you can find intel in this mission.

100% survivability rating

To pass this challenge, you cannot die even once, or suffer defeat in any other way, for example, by leaving the battlefield or going in a different direction than required by the mission objectives, by not jumping out of the helicopter on time at the beginning of the second part of the mission, by getting detected by the enemies while hiding in the high grass and in this vicinity, etc. When you put Woods on the ground, do not shoot, as you will be detected as well! Especially watch out for grenades near the end of the mission.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Mission Challenges


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