Diet Based on Carbs and Protein

Often times it's easy to turn to fast food because it's convenient. However, in order to look and feel your best, your body needs a complex blend of nutrients. Not only do you need the right proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals, but you also need adequate fluids to stay hydrated, and a good dose of fiber, too. Even the most careful eater can be hard-pressed to meet each nutrient target every day.

Balanced nutrition is based on a combination of healthy foods and supplements that help you meet your daily needs, coupled with the right calorie balance to help you lose, gain or maintain your body weight.

7 Essential Nutrients for a Balanced Nutrition Plan

We believe that good health lies in eating the right foods, combined with regular exercise and rest. A proper, balanced nutrition will help fuel your daily activities and promote a lifetime of wellness.

Here are seven elements of a balanced diet:

1. Protein

Protein is a macronutrient vital to virtually every cell in the body. You use protein to manufacture important molecules, such as hormones and enzymes, and to build and maintain muscle tissue. Protein is also great at satisfying hunger.

Your body is constantly assembling, breaking down and using protein, so it's important to include enough protein in your diet every day to replace what you've used. We suggest that up to 30% of your daily calorie intake come from lean plant or animal protein, such as soybeans, poultry, fish, and eggs.

2. Carbohydrates

Your body prefers another macronutrient, carbohydrates, for its fuel, so it's important to get enough every day. We recommend that you get about 40% of your calories from whole grain, bean, vegetable, and fruit carbs—not the sugary, starchy kinds you find in baked goods, soda, and candy.

3. Fat

Your body also requires small amounts of beneficial fats—but don't go hog wild just yet; you're probably getting enough. The typical American diet supplies more total fat and saturated fat than we need, and not enough healthy fats, such as fats from fish, nuts, olive oil, and avocados. Fats are a very concentrated source of calories, which is why the Herbalife Nutrition Philosophy recommends that you limit your fats to 30% or less of your daily calorie intake.

4. Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are involved in many of the chemical reactions your body performs every day, and many minerals —calcium and magnesium, for example— have structural roles in the body. A well-balanced diet helps to supply the vitamins and minerals you need and taking a daily multiple vitamin and mineral supplement helps you get the proper amounts.

5. Phytonutrients

Plant foods produce a wide range of natural compounds called phytonutrients. They contain a number of benefits, such as preventing disease, enhancing immunity, and repairing DNA damage. Their pigments give fruits and vegetables their beautiful colors. That's why it's important to eat colorful, plant-filled meals.

6. Fiber

Fiber supports the digestive process, helps to fill you up, and promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract. Whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans are the best sources of dietary fiber, but if you can't get the recommended 25 grams every day, you can work in fiber supplements.

7. Water

The human body is 70% water, so it's no surprise that we need to stay hydrated in order to remain healthy. Your body needs water to transport nutrients to cells and to get rid of waste products. Water also helps control body temperature and lubricate joints, organs, and tissues. The general recommendation for fluids is about eight 8-oz (240mL) glasses a day. Water should be the first choice, but plain tea or coffee can also count towards meeting your daily fluid needs.

When it comes to balancing calories, you have control over both sides of the calorie equation. You can regulate how much goes in by counting the calories in the foods that you eat, and you can control – at least in part – how many calories you burn every day by staying active. So whether your goal is to lose, gain or maintain your weight, the power to tip the balance is in your hands.

Susan Bowerman, M.S., RD, CSSD, CSOWM, FAND –Sr.Director, Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training

Susan BowermanM.S., R.D., CSSD, CSOWM, FAND – Sr. Director, Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training

Susan Bowerman earned a B.S. in biology with distinction from the University of Colorado, and received her M.S. in food science and nutrition from Colorado State University. She is a registered dietitian, holds two board certifications from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as a certified specialist in sports dietetics, and a certified specialist in obesity and weight management, and is a Fellow of the Academy.

Diet Based on Carbs and Protein


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