Diets for Cutting Belly Fat

However -- it's not just about eating omegas willy-nilly. "The ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is as important as how much we eat of them," says Dr. Gerbstadt, explaining that anthropological evidence suggests human ancestors maintained a two-to-one ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 for much of history. Today, omega-6 can be found in many prepared foods, like margarine, mayonnaise and most packaged foods, like chips -- making it very easy to consume. "In Western countries today, the ratio has spiked to as high as 10 to 1," she says, which is a problem because omega fatty acids can be converted into inflammatory molecules when the ratio is disrupted. "This dietary change is believed to result in increased systemic inflammation and a higher incidence of problems including asthma, allergies, diabetes and arthritis," she says.

The story on saturated fats is also complicated. "Some heath professionals and researchers are starting to question whether saturated fat or overeating plays the bigger role in disease," say SELF contributing editors Stephanie Clarke and Willow Jarosh, registered dietitians and co-founders of C&J Nutrition. "Newer research indicates a certain type of saturated fat (stearic acid -- the type found in plant products like cocoa, coconut and palm oils, as well as animal products like dairy, meat and poultry), might not affect cholesterol levels negatively and may actually have a beneficial effect similar to unsaturated fats when eaten in moderation."

According to Clarke and Jarosh, many current recommendations suggest that people with high cholesterol or heart disease (or those at high risk for either) go with a diet including 7 percent or less saturated fat, while those with normal cholesterol and a lower risk for heart disease can stick with 10 percent or less. "We generally agree," they say, "and recommend that keeping your saturated fat intake at around 8-9 percent or less is a good idea."

Dr. Gerbstadt concurs, saying, "The majority of saturated fats are less desirable because they promote inflammation." However, she says, "We need some saturated fat in our diet. The body's production of steroid hormones, including sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone, requires saturated fat."

Meanwhile, Stoler says, trans fats (highly processed fats found in some packaged foods) can be considered the "bad" fats.

When it comes down to it, most Americans are getting more than enough fat in their diets, says Stoler. But, she says, those who aren't are in dangerous territory. How can you tell if you're not? "There is no ONE telltale sign," says Stoler; rather, it's cumulative. In other words, though some of the following signs could have other causes, taken in combination, they could add up to a warning. Here are five potential signs that you may not be getting enough fat in your diet:

  1. Hunger. "Fat provides satiety," says Stoler. If you're eating, but you're often still hungry, it could be because you're not getting enough fat into the mix. "There was something we used to refer to as the 'SnackWell's Syndrome,'" says Stoler. "Many people would eat the whole 'fat-free' box of cookies because they didn't feel full -- yet they were still overeating." Another explanation if you're eating but still hungry, says Dr. Gerbstadt, is that you're eating too few calories or not enough fiber.

  2. Dry skin. "Think of fat in your body like oil in your car," says Stoler. "It keeps everything 'lubed up' and running better. It's not enough to put moisturizer on top of your skin -- you need to eat essential fatty acids and mono- and polyunsaturated fats to keep your cells and skin happy." Also look for flaky and itchy skin, Dr. Gerbstadt says.

  3. Poor body temperature regulation. People with low body fat or who don't get enough fat in their diets often complain of being cold, says Stoler. "I see this all the time with anorexics," she adds. Being underweight can cause you to feel cold all the time, agrees Dr. Gerbstadt; however, she says other possible causes include having a low-performing thyroid or a peripheral vascular disease.

  4. Extreme mental fatigue. "Neurological abnormalities such as problems concentrating, remembering or an overall lack of mental energy could be caused by an essential fatty acid deficiency," says Dr. Gerbstadt.

  5. Loss of your menstrual cycle. According to Dr. Gerbstadt, though other potential causes for losing your period are overexercising and other hormonal imbalances, a low body-fat percentage (less than 10 or 12 percent) can stop your cycle. "Basically, this is Mother Nature saying your body is not well-nourished enough to support a pregnancy," says Stoler. "It's a serious health concern, because it throws you into an almost menopause-like state where bone density will decrease and put you at risk for fractures." In fact, if you recognize yourself in this last point, we hope you'll make an appointment to see your doctor, and if you think you need more help dealing with your eating habits, please check out, where you can learn more about eating disorders and find a referral to a specialized therapist in your area.

Bottom line? You need a balanced diet to stay healthy -- and fat is part of that balance. Clarke and Jarosh recommend a daily diet that balances carbohydrates, protein and fat in a ratio that looks like this: 45-60 percent carbs to 10-25 percent protein to 25-35 fat, depending on what works best for you.

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Diets for Cutting Belly Fat


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